Do you interested to learn guitar? This site is very helpful to learn guitar. Very easy to learn guitar if you read this and try to play guitar. I hope If you want to be A guitar hero please try it carefully. I hope if you practices it regularly then you can be a guitar hero. Try it.
Now we are discussing about guitar notes. We know the notes are A,A#,B,C,C#,D,D#,E,F,F#,G,G#. Here we have notified that B and E have no sharp (#). We discuss about sharp and flat later. Specially the notes are moved round the cycle. If you start from A note your end note will be G#. After G# it will comes round to A note and it has called an octave. The first octave, 2nd octave, 3rd octave come chromatically. The distance between two chromatic notes is called 1 semi tone. Like as A to A# notes. The distance between A to B notes is called 1 tone. Actually 1+1 = 2 semi tone make 1 tone. Now we will discuss how to find note. There are many ways to finding notes but now we know how to tuning guitar.