Begin first fret on first and ended the twelve fret on first cord . First finger first fret, second finger second fret, third finger third fret, forth finger forth fret and calculate 1,2,3,4. Again first finger second finger, second finger third fret,third finger forth fret,forth finger fifth fret and calculate 1,2,3,4. Again first finger third fret,second finger forth fret,third finger fifth fret,forth finger sixth fret and calculate 1,2,3,4.
Again first finger forth fret, second finger fifth fret, third finger sixth fret,4 finger seventh fret and calculate 1,2,3,4. Again first finger fifth fret,second finger sixth fret, third finger seventh fret,forth finger eight fret and calculate 1,2,3,4. Again first finger sixth fret,second finger seventh fret,third finger eight fret,forth finger ninth fret and calculate 1,2,3,4.
Once more first finger seventh fret,second finger eight fret,third finger ninth fret,forth finger tenth fret and calculate 1,2,3,4. Again first finger eight fret,second finger ninth fret,third finger tenth fret,forth finger eleventh fret and calculate 1,2,3,4. Again first finger ninth fret,second finger tenth fret, third finger eleventh fret, forth finger twelve fret and calculate 1,2,3,4. Again first finger tenth fret,second finger eleventh fret, third finger twelve fret, forth finger thirteenth fret and calculate 1,2,3,4. Again first finger eleventh fret,second finger twelve fret, third finger Thirteenth fret, forth finger 1forth fret and calculate 1,2,3,4.
Over again first finger twelve fret,second finger Thirteenth fret,third finger 1forth fret forth finger 1fifth fret and calculate 1,2,3,4. Again first finger Thirteenth fret,second finger 1forth fret third finger 1fifth fret,forth finger 1sixth fret and calculate 1,2,3,4. fist you exercise it too slow and when you exercise it more and more then you play it very fast. Now told about another process for practices guitar. If you practices regularly then you play guitar very easily.
First you begin on sixth fret. First finger first fret,second finger second fret,third finger third fret,forth finger forth fret. Next you start fifth cord . first finger first fret, second finger second fret, third finger third fret, forth finger forth fret. Nest forth cord . F finger first fret, second finger second fret, third finger third fret, forth finger forth fret. Next third cord . Your first finger first fret, second finger second fret, third finger third fret, forth finger forth fret. Next second cord ,first finger first fret, second finger second fret, third finger third fret, forth finger forth fret. Next first cord ,first finger first fret, second finger second fret,third finger third fret,forth finger forth fret. Keep it continue.