Now we know about another chords of guitar. This is another type of minor chords. some times it helps you very much. Maximum time it isn't used. But some time it used. So it is very useful to play guitar. So we know about this chords very seriously.Okay now we go to know this type of guitar chords.
To create "Dm" minor chords then fist your first finger push on "E" cord on "F" note or first fret then your second finger push on "G" cord or third cord on "A" note,then your third finger push on "B" cord on "D" note. When you push this all of note mutually then it is create "Am" minor chord.
If you would like to create "D#m" minor chords then fist your first finger push on "E" cord on "F#" note or 2st fret then your second finger push on "G" cord or third cord on "A#" note,then your third finger push "B" cord on "D#"note. When you push this all of note mutually then it creates "A#m" minor chord.
It is easy way to create "Em" minor chords then fist your first finger push on "E" cord on "G" note or third fret then your second finger push on "G" cord or third cord on "B" note, then your third finger push "B" cord on "E"note. When you push this all of note mutually then it creates "Em" minor chord.
you would like to create "Fm" minor chords then fist your first finger push on "E" cord on "G#" note or forth fret then your second finger push on "G" cord or third cord on "C" note, then your third finger push "B" cord on "F"note. When you push this all of note mutually then it creates "Fm" minor chord.
Now create "F#m" minor chords then fist your first finger push on "E" cord on "F" note or fifth fret then your second finger push on "G" cord or third cord on "C#" note, then your third finger push "B" cord on "F#"note. When you push this all of note mutually then it creates "F#m" minor chord.
To create "Gm" minor chords then fist your first finger push on "E" cord on "A" note or sixth fret then your second finger push on "G" cord or third cord on "D" note, then your third finger push "B" cord on "G"note. When you push this all of note mutually then it creates "Gm" minor chord.
Very easily create "G#m" minor chords then fist your first finger push on "E" cord on "A#" note or seventh fret then your second finger push on "G" cord or third cord on "D#" note, after that your third finger push "B" cord on "G#"note. When you push this all of note mutually then it creates "D#m" minor chord.
If you would like to create "Am" minor chords then fist your first finger push on "E" cord on "B" note or eighth fret then your second finger push on "G" cord or third cord on "E" note, then your forth finger push on "A" cord on "G" note and last your third finger push "D" cord on "B"note. When you push this all of note mutually then it creates "Em" minor chord.
Would like to create "A#m" minor chords then fist your first finger push on "E" cord on "C" note or ninth fret then your second finger push on "G" cord or third cord on "F" note, then your forth finger push on "B" cord on "G#' note and last your third finger push "D" cord on "C"note. When you push this all of note mutually then it creates "Fm" minor chord.
You would like to create "Bm" minor chords then fist your first finger push on "E" cord on "C#" note or tenth fret then your second finger push on "G" cord or third cord on "F#" note, then your forth finger push on "B" cord on "A" note and last your third finger push "D" cord on "C#"note. When you push this all of note mutually then it creates "F#m" minor chord.
If you would like to create "Cm" minor chords then fist your first finger push on "E" cord on "D" note or eleventh fret then your second finger push on "G" cord or third cord on "G" note, then your forth finger push on "B" cord on "A#" note and last your third finger push "D" cord on "D"note. When you push this all of note mutually then it creates "Gm" minor chord.
If you would like to create "C#m" minor chords then fist your first finger push on "E" cord on "D#" note or 12th fret then your second finger push on "G" cord or third cord on "G#" note, then your forth finger push on "B" cord on "B" note and last your third finger push "D" cord on "D#"note. When you push this all of note mutually then it creates "G#m" minor chord.