In open cord movable chords series normally we use to type of chord. Like as "major" and "minor". We know all open chords build with 3 notes. Specially "minor" chords are also built with 3 note. Such as "Am"- here the notes are A,C,E. "Bm"- here the notes are B,D,F#. In the lesson we discuses about minor chords. We can play minor chords in three patterns.When we learn RPGO will details about minor chords.
Now we create to create "Am" minor chords then first your first finger push on "B," cord on "C" note or first fret then your second finger push on "B" cord or second cord on "C#" note,then your forth finger push on "G" cord on "A#" note and last your third finger push "D" cord on "F"note. When you push this all of note jointly then it creates "Am" minor chord.
To create "A#m" minor chords. First your first finger push on "E" cord on "F#" note or first fret then your second finger push on "B" cord or second cord on "C#" note,then your forth finger push on "G" cord on "B' note and last your third finger push "D" cord on "F#"note. When you push this all of note jointly then it creates "A#m" minor chord.
Try to create "Bm" minor chords then first your first finger push on "E," cord on "G" note or second fret then your second finger push on "B" cord or second cord on "D" note,then your forth finger push on "G" cord on "C' note and last your third finger push "D" cord on "G"note. When you push this all of note jointly then it creates "Bm" minor chord
Create "Cm" minor chords.First your first finger push on "E" cord on "G#" note or third fret then your second finger push on "B" cord or second cord on "D#" note,then your forth finger push on "G" cord on "C#" note and last your third finger push "D" cord on "G#"note. When you push this all of note jointly then it creates "Cm" minor chord.
Very simply to create "C#m" minor chords.First your first finger push on "E" cord on "A" note or forth fret then your second finger push on "B" cord or second cord on "E" note,then your forth finger push on "G" cord on "D" note and last your third finger push "D" cord on "A"note. When you push this all of note jointly then it creates "C#m" minor chord.
For create "Dm" minor chords. First your first finger push on "E" cord on "A#" note or fifth fret then your second finger push on "B" cord or second cord on "F" note,then your forth finger push on "G" cord on "D#" note and last your third finger push "D" cord on "A#"note. When you push this all of note jointly then it creates "Dm" minor chord.
Now we create "D#m" minor chords then first your first finger push on "E" cord on "B" note or first fret then your second finger push on "B" cord or second cord on "F#" note,then your forth finger push on "G" cord on "E" note and last your third finger push "D" cord on "B"note. When you push this all of note jointly then it creates "D#m" minor chord.
I told about to create "Em" minor chords then first your first finger push on "E" cord on "C" note or first fret then your second finger push on "B" cord or second cord on "G" note,then your forth finger push on "G" cord on "F" note and last your third finger push "D" cord on "C"note. When you push this all of note jointly then it creates "Em" minor chord.
Simply create "Fm" minor chords then first your first finger push on "E" cord on "C#" note or first fret then your second finger push on "B" cord or second cord on "G#" note,then your forth finger push on "G" cord on "F#" note and last your third finger push "D" cord on "C#"note. When you push this all of note jointly then it creates "Fm" minor chord.
If you want to create "F#m" minor chords then first your first finger push on "E" cord on "D" note or first fret then your second finger push on "B" cord or second cord on "A" note,then your forth finger push on "G" cord on "G" note and last your third finger push "D" cord on "D"note. When you push this all of note jointly then it creates "F#m" minor chord.
If you want to create "Gm" minor chords then first your first finger push on "E" cord on "D#" note or first fret then your second finger push on "B" cord or second cord on "A#" note,then your forth finger push on "G" cord on "G#" note and last your third finger push "D" cord on "D#"note. When you push this all of note jointly then it creates "Gm" minor chord.
Now you create "G#m" minor chords then first your first finger push on "E" cord on "E" note or first fret then your second finger push on "B" cord or second cord on "B" note,then your forth finger push on "G" cord on "A" note and last your third finger push "D" cord on "E"note. When you push this all of note jointly then it creates "G#m" minor chord.