Do you interested to learn guitar? This site is very helpful to learn guitar. Very easy to learn guitar if you read this and try to play guitar. I hope If you want to be A guitar hero please try it carefully. I hope if you practices it regularly then you can be a guitar hero. Try it.
Now we are discussing about guitar notes. We know the notes are A,A#,B,C,C#,D,D#,E,F,F#,G,G#. Here we have notified that B and E have no sharp (#). We discuss about sharp and flat later. Specially the notes are moved round the cycle. If you start from A note your end note will be G#. After G# it will comes round to A note and it has called an octave. The first octave, 2nd octave, 3rd octave come chromatically. The distance between two chromatic notes is called 1 semi tone. Like as A to A# notes. The distance between A to B notes is called 1 tone. Actually 1+1 = 2 semi tone make 1 tone. Now we will discuss how to find note. There are many ways to finding notes but now we know how to tuning guitar.


Begin first fret on first and ended the twelve fret on first cord . First finger first fret, second finger second fret, third finger third fret, forth finger forth fret and calculate 1,2,3,4. Again first finger second finger, second finger third fret,third finger forth fret,forth finger fifth fret and calculate 1,2,3,4. Again first finger third fret,second finger forth fret,third finger fifth fret,forth finger sixth fret and calculate 1,2,3,4.
Again first finger forth fret, second finger fifth fret, third finger sixth fret,4 finger seventh fret and calculate 1,2,3,4. Again first finger fifth fret,second finger sixth fret, third finger seventh fret,forth finger eight fret and calculate 1,2,3,4. Again first finger sixth fret,second finger seventh fret,third finger eight fret,forth finger ninth fret and calculate 1,2,3,4.

Once more first finger seventh fret,second finger eight fret,third finger ninth fret,forth finger tenth fret and calculate 1,2,3,4. Again first finger eight fret,second finger ninth fret,third finger tenth fret,forth finger eleventh fret and calculate 1,2,3,4. Again first finger ninth fret,second finger tenth fret, third finger eleventh fret, forth finger twelve fret and calculate 1,2,3,4. Again first finger tenth fret,second finger eleventh fret, third finger twelve fret, forth finger thirteenth fret and calculate 1,2,3,4. Again first finger eleventh fret,second finger twelve fret, third finger Thirteenth fret, forth finger 1forth fret and calculate 1,2,3,4.

Over again first finger twelve fret,second finger Thirteenth fret,third finger 1forth fret forth finger 1fifth fret and calculate 1,2,3,4. Again first finger Thirteenth fret,second finger 1forth fret third finger 1fifth fret,forth finger 1sixth fret and calculate 1,2,3,4. fist you exercise it too slow and when you exercise it more and more then you play it very fast. Now told about another process for practices guitar. If you practices regularly then you play guitar very easily.

First you begin on sixth fret. First finger first fret,second finger second fret,third finger third fret,forth finger forth fret. Next you start fifth cord . first finger first fret, second finger second fret, third finger third fret, forth finger forth fret. Nest forth cord . F finger first fret, second finger second fret, third finger third fret, forth finger forth fret. Next third cord . Your first finger first fret, second finger second fret, third finger third fret, forth finger forth fret. Next second cord ,first finger first fret, second finger second fret, third finger third fret, forth finger forth fret. Next first cord ,first finger first fret, second finger second fret,third finger third fret,forth finger forth fret. Keep it continue.


A step by step process to learning to tune tour guitar, with a little suitable way. i hope that by the end of this lessons you must be able to tune your guitar and be able to read basic rule. Well this can be a problem for beginning guitarists who do not have a guitar tuner, one of this handy little device who is indicate through a lite when each cord is in fact at the correct pitch.
The theory behind it is that mostly with turn to the following. The question you are probably asking now is " how do i work out what an " E" or " A" is any way? " Well, to assist this what i have done is to record a sample of my guitar playing and open E cord so that you can tune your E cord to it. From this one cord we can tune all the other cord of the guitar. Tuning a guitar is most basic, it is most important things to you should do before play a guitar.
It is easiest to buy a guitar tuner, they cost about $5 and they are really the quick to tune your guitar. it is also easy way to tune a guitar 99.99% accuracy. however, if you haven't a guitar tuner but you want to tune a guitar, the "throns" give you a method that I use there are many others, but I find this to be the easiest to understand. A good way to do this is to play them together, try to get it close and then play them apart by switching backwards and forwards between the two you many force your ear to here the difference.
It should be noted at this points that tuning the guitar can be the biggest obstacle that many beginning guitarists can face and that it is very easy to lose enthusiasm at this points. Keep trying it is only through repetition that your ear can learn to distinguish between what is right and what sounds wrong. Before i show you how to tune the rest of the cords of the guitar, i will introduce you to a way of tuning. This will make it easier for me to depict the concept that I'm about to explain. So the "THRONS" is presenting the easier manual method to tune your guitar...........
We start at the 6th cord in your guitar. When played this cord open it is an E note. Now if you wish to need a keyboard, harmonica or pitch pipe, tuning fork or any other instruments then you can found the note. All of you want to do is start the tuning tone until the note in the guitar sounds like "E" note then you have just played. Once you have that first note you proceed in an orderly manner tuning one cord after another. On the fifth fret Press down is the same note as the fifth cord played open. When you Turn the tuning tone until the fifth cord sounds same the sixth cord with the five fret depressed.
Now the rule continuous and the fifth fret of the forth cord if you press down and tune the third cord to this note. if you want to the third cord tune there is the different rule. On the forth fret of the third cord if you pressed down and then tune the second cord on this note. last time the fifth fret on the second cord if you pressed down and tune open first cord to this note.


Now we know about another chords of guitar. This is another type of minor chords. some times it helps you very much. Maximum time it isn't used. But some time it used. So it is very useful to play guitar. So we know about this chords very seriously.Okay now we go to know this type of guitar chords.
To create "Dm" minor chords then fist your first finger push on "E" cord on "F" note or first fret then your second finger push on "G" cord or third cord on "A" note,then your third finger push on "B" cord on "D" note. When you push this all of note mutually then it is create "Am" minor chord.
If you would like to create "D#m" minor chords then fist your first finger push on "E" cord on "F#" note or 2st fret then your second finger push on "G" cord or third cord on "A#" note,then your third finger push "B" cord on "D#"note. When you push this all of note mutually then it creates "A#m" minor chord.
It is easy way to create "Em" minor chords then fist your first finger push on "E" cord on "G" note or third fret then your second finger push on "G" cord or third cord on "B" note, then your third finger push "B" cord on "E"note. When you push this all of note mutually then it creates "Em" minor chord.
you would like to create "Fm" minor chords then fist your first finger push on "E" cord on "G#" note or forth fret then your second finger push on "G" cord or third cord on "C" note, then your third finger push "B" cord on "F"note. When you push this all of note mutually then it creates "Fm" minor chord.
Now create "F#m" minor chords then fist your first finger push on "E" cord on "F" note or fifth fret then your second finger push on "G" cord or third cord on "C#" note, then your third finger push "B" cord on "F#"note. When you push this all of note mutually then it creates "F#m" minor chord.
To create "Gm" minor chords then fist your first finger push on "E" cord on "A" note or sixth fret then your second finger push on "G" cord or third cord on "D" note, then your third finger push "B" cord on "G"note. When you push this all of note mutually then it creates "Gm" minor chord.
Very easily create "G#m" minor chords then fist your first finger push on "E" cord on "A#" note or seventh fret then your second finger push on "G" cord or third cord on "D#" note, after that your third finger push "B" cord on "G#"note. When you push this all of note mutually then it creates "D#m" minor chord.
If you would like to create "Am" minor chords then fist your first finger push on "E" cord on "B" note or eighth fret then your second finger push on "G" cord or third cord on "E" note, then your forth finger push on "A" cord on "G" note and last your third finger push "D" cord on "B"note. When you push this all of note mutually then it creates "Em" minor chord.
Would like to create "A#m" minor chords then fist your first finger push on "E" cord on "C" note or ninth fret then your second finger push on "G" cord or third cord on "F" note, then your forth finger push on "B" cord on "G#' note and last your third finger push "D" cord on "C"note. When you push this all of note mutually then it creates "Fm" minor chord.
You would like to create "Bm" minor chords then fist your first finger push on "E" cord on "C#" note or tenth fret then your second finger push on "G" cord or third cord on "F#" note, then your forth finger push on "B" cord on "A" note and last your third finger push "D" cord on "C#"note. When you push this all of note mutually then it creates "F#m" minor chord.
If you would like to create "Cm" minor chords then fist your first finger push on "E" cord on "D" note or eleventh fret then your second finger push on "G" cord or third cord on "G" note, then your forth finger push on "B" cord on "A#" note and last your third finger push "D" cord on "D"note. When you push this all of note mutually then it creates "Gm" minor chord.
If you would like to create "C#m" minor chords then fist your first finger push on "E" cord on "D#" note or 12th fret then your second finger push on "G" cord or third cord on "G#" note, then your forth finger push on "B" cord on "B" note and last your third finger push "D" cord on "D#"note. When you push this all of note mutually then it creates "G#m" minor chord.